5 effective tips to get quality leads on Social Media in 2021

It is the middle of 2021, but some entrepreneurs still keep cold-calling or cold-texting potentials leads without using potential of Social Media to their advantage. Such attitude is completely normal when you do not have any other options, which is why we gathered 5 effective tips to get quality leads on Social Media in 2021. It will definitely take some imagination and efforts, but you can start implementing it as of today.

Let's start with the basics:

1) Stick to one platform at the time.

"Where attention goes, energy grows" by James Redfield.

Too many different platforms! Which one should I use to get started? Every business owner ask this question at some point.

Getting to know the best place to promote your product/service starts with understanding who is your target audience and where are they sitting?

In the last years, many different aps were developed, so during the pandemic we could consume it all while waiting for lockdown to be over. Some platforms are still strong or even stronger than ever, but some came out of nowhere and blasting us with content. As an example TikTok. If your content is video, especially entertaining it is the place!

Most of the entertainers I personally follow went to TikTok to expand their followers base and it works perfectly fine for them. On the other side, what should a fresh artist should do in order to become successful without having any audience?

Exactly! Jump on TikTok and start creating content! This is the one and only platform they should stick to first, before making any other moves. Why is that?

Let's look at on the psychological level. We humans can multitask, but most of our energy flows where we put most of our efforts. Selecting one platform and make the most of it will allow you to put all of your power, creativity, knowledge and time. Believe it or not, magic happens!

It is not for nothing I started to talk about TikTok and video content! Let's say you are an Insurance Broker and you need clients! How would you get them if you do not know how to promote yourself online? Cold-calling is not an option.

Like Anthony Scheirer we found, you can create a TikTok profile and start filming videos with explaining stuff about Insurance world. You can even add some humour to it, so people will be entertained as well. Everyone needs insurance, yet no one wants to learn about it as it is a boring topic. Give them information in a fun way and people will start contacting you to ask for more.

Once you built an audience, you might switch to Instagram and repost your TikTok stuff on there just to maximize reach.

Those are are just ideas and you might be an introvert who doesn't like to speak in front of a camera. That's fine! You have LinkedIn or Facebook for that! Professionally set up page, a lot of valuable content and ways to get in touch with fast and easy.

Stick to this one page you have a put most of your energy to grow it until you can jump to next one.

To help you to find your ideal client and target audience, we created a Free video content with our F.I.R.E strategy. You can find ways to make it easier for you.

2) Valuable content is the King of organic traffic!

Valuable content is now more important than ever! 2020 and 2021 made us sit home and realize, that almost any type of business could be managed from home, so you do not need to waste time driving to your office! Spend this time wisely and plan your content strategy ahead.

What does it take for people to know more about you? Video and text content!

You might say: "Well that's logic, but what exactly kind of content you are talking about?"

Free content, but expensive! Everything you can give out without charging money, like this blog for example! We took to gather valuable information that costs money, we wrote it all to make it easy to understand, we edited it to make it easy to read and published it for you consume.

Did we charge anything? No, which means you can read this part and leave. However if you continue reading, you might find something interesting and worth of your time, that you could implement in your business today!

Social Media pages should be full of information worth reading. We are in the business of customer service and we should serve them with respect. They Liked your page and Followed you on Instagram not just to support you or to see how you spend weekend, but they want to see value!

However Social Media is the tip of an iceberg! Leading people to your inner sales funnel will attach them with you for a long time if planned properly.

On pic of our past clients offering 7 ways to pay less for insurance. Would you want to know how to pay less for your insurance? Yes, and the link is there to click! Later on you can re-target those who clicked!

Giving out cool stuff on Social Media is important when it leads somewhere like a landing page, a blog page or to your community group (We will talk about this part next). We always see entrepreneurs trying to post on Instagram, but it doesn't get anything but likes and comments.

Lead you audience somewhere! Write a small text to give a little glimpse of the blog, so they will be forced to click and read the rest. The blog will contain SO MUCH valuable stuff, that they will not have choice but to take your Lead-Magnet offer. Learn more about Lead-Magnets and Tripwires

You knowledge costs money, but people need to see this value first. Once they fall into your CRM system, they can do anything you want. You first need to get their attention and make follow you!

3) Groups and communities are gold!

Every marketer out-there will tell that you content is important. However who will see the content, if you barely have any followers? Especially for someone who recently started and don't have an email list, budget for ads and fully set up business page.

It is easy! Join groups and communities!

I remember when we started to get our first clients for SMM, we did not have any budget for ads. We needed those leads to close deals, but our thinking was: "Where should we go to find those leads without having spend money?"

Facebook groups was our first source of quality leads and we still get those referrals from our clients we got thanks to work we have done back in 2016.

The idea was simple. You find local groups in your niche or similar one where your target audience might be and simply post there text to introduce yourself and your business.

Our example: We found a famous group in Russian-speaking community where people offer work, services and asked for suggestions. I wrote some detailed texts using copywriting tricks to make people contact us and post it there as an introduction. Very important to attach a picture that attracts attention and it doesn't necessarily need to be about the context. Just a picture of cat could work.

Once you get their attention, they will open up the whole text and read it. We had a great call to action.

What does it give?

1) Organic Reach

2) Free Leads

3) Brand Awareness in your local community

4) Support from people

and so on!

This whole idea works even better in 2021 as people want to support others, especially Canadian businesses or entrepreneurs. Honesty in your words will build the trust, so you can not just send a simple Ad text like: Hey! My name is John and I am an insurance broker. You need insurance hit me up!

This text is a huge NO NO!

We are talking about it in our F.I.R.E strategy! (Link to landing). Give them something worthwhile. We call it a Lead-Magnet. Little something FREE or with very low cost in exchange of email or phone number. You text should be clear and concise: Who are you? Why are you here? What are you offering? What will they get if they take it?

Greatest thing will also happen to you in the groups when someone asks about services you offer and other people will start tagging you. This makes a huge impact! Same insurance agent we mentioned in previous tip is being mentioned many times in a local Russian-speaking Montreal group on Facebook. This is the effect of constant content and great job.

Same works for Reddit or LinkedIn or any other platform with community or group feature.

One of the things we also did in the past is create own community! This takes time to build and it requires resources, however once you have a base of people who respect you and follow you, it doesn't matter what you have to offer, people will take it.

You could create an Insurance or Real Estate community where you share tips and tricks on how to buy perfect house, to negotiate deals, how to see if they deal worth your time and so on. You don't need to sell anything directly, but offering value will make them trust you and contact you in private to ask for service.

4) Reviews attract great quality leads.

This is one will be a short, yet very powerful one!

When you first start working in your industry, you probably either don't have ANY clients or have only SOME offered by the company you work with, like any Real Estate or Insurance agents get when they begin their career. You get the list of potential leads or people who were clients in the past to offer them something again, so you will make your first sales and here is when the fun starts.

Most sales people, especially old-school will ask to refer them their friends and will keep calling until their CRM is full of leads, but this leads to crazy amount of cold-calls and not as effective anymore so might end up being burned out.

What if I tell you, that you don't need to keep asking for referrals. You just need to do it at first until your Social Media image is respectful enough for them to keep coming.

Contact your current clients and ask them to leave an honest review on any of your existing Social Profile such Facebook or Google My Business as an example. However you will have to give them conditions to do it:

  • If they believe you did a really great service, they should mention everything you did good and then ask them give you up to 5 people you could contact on their behalf.
  • If they believe that your service was not the greatest, then you ask what would you need to do differently next time. So they will only mention in their reviews things they still liked about you.

In the first condition, if they liked your service/product you now have an amazing review to use, so once you contact any of the people they referred all you have to do it to mention it during the conversation.

On pic: One of our best case studies. Written in french.

Example: "Hello Jenifer! My name is John and I got your phone number from Robert! He said that you might be interested in my service, is that true? .... By the way, you can look on my page called John Insurance and see what Robert said exactly about me and how exactly he liked my service..."

Now you a great review you can repost on your page or even set up as an Ad Boost, plus a new warm-lead to work on.

In the second condition, you have a review to use and a great opportunity to make your service better for future clients.

Either way your reviews will pay-off long-term, if you use them correctly.

Oh and don't be greedy to offer some referral bonus for those who referred you someone.

5) Paid ads! Pay-per-lead is the greatest choice!

When started driving traffic to get more potential clients, we tried to avoid creating ads for ourselves at all costs to see, if we are able to generate organic leads (Free Leads). This was our biggest mistake, as paid ads have something organic content will never have: Targeted Reach!

Creating content, leading a group, reposting stuff on your pages and all this will almost never have an impact Paid Ads will have.

This example was taken from open source. This is a Facebook Ad and we find very catchy. It is running from April 2021 which means for over 4 months it is probably generating some leads, if it is still active. Normally after 2-3 months the ad gets turned off if not effective.

Writing catchy text and have an emotional picture will attract a lot more attention than dry text: I am a Real Estate Broker. Call me!

This particular ad makes to you stop and expand the text to read it full, which is great as it might make to you to contact this Broker.

You should invest in your ads the first moment you can allow yourself 5-10$ spend per day, but with one condition! Those ads would be set to Pay-Per-Lead!

What is a PPL?

You basically pay for potential client appearing in your CRM system and it happens once someone clicks your Ad and then fills out the form. Social Media Ad platform will only charge you for leads, so you goal is to minimize your Cost-per-lead.

Another great example of an ad with a pretty direct offer. You are looking to buy a house? We got buyers for you! If you were someone looking to sell the house for a really great price, you would want to have over 100 buyers, so you could TOP this price through the roof.

Your should have a direct offer! Something you promise them if they contact you.

Your Lead-Magnet must:

1. Make a SPECIFIC Promise

2. Give a SPECIFIC Example

3. Offer a SPECIFIC Shortcut

4. Answer a SPECIFIC Question

5. Deliver a SPECIFIC Discount

We are talking about this as well in our F.I.R.E Strategy. We describe all details on how to create proper Lead-Magnet to get those leads coming.

If you found any of those 5 tips valuable, we have something powerful to offer you for Free!


Fired Up Marketing is a digital marketing agency specializing in helping insurance brokers and real estate brokers get clients from $0 - $10,000 per month in less than 90 days.


Fired Up Marketing is a digital marketing agency specializing in helping insurance brokers and real estate brokers get clients from $0 - $10,000 per month in less than 90 days.


3700 St-Patrick Street, #216

Montreal, H4E 1A1

Quebec, Canada

Phone: +1.514.999.5452

Email: info@firedupenterprises.ca


3700 St-Patrick Street, #216

Montreal, H4E 1A1

Quebec, Canada

Phone: +1.438.700.1719

Email: info@firedupenterprises.ca

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